What clients who have worked with me are saying

"Felt different after our session yesterday and woke up more calm, focused and optimistic having digested your guidance.

Testament to your ability as a coach and I am really looking forward to continuing the journey with you."


"From our first chat, I felt at ease and extremely comfortable to open up about the challenges I was facing. For me, Tanuja's ability to switch from coach mode to providing guidance and advice where needed was hugely helpful, and I found it really beneficial when she shared her own insights from her personal experience as part of our sessions together. I have no hesitation in recommending Tanuja as a coach - she is an incredible person to work with!”


"I reached out to Tanuja because I felt stuck, unhappy and overwhelmed. The coaching sessions with Tanuja have been one of the best things that happened to me this year. The stress from work has been affecting my self confidence. I now realise how this has been showing in the way I approach my personal life too. I feel a lot more positive and eager to see what the next few months will look like for me.


"I have referred my wife and two colleagues and hope they can experience a similar transformation I've gone through. I feel different. I think different. My perspective on life has changed, for the better. I am so much happier. Don't hesitate to book a call with Tanuja - you won't regret it."


“Tanuja is really good at listening and helping me connect the dots. She helped me see how my beliefs have been keeping me feeling stuck and how I have been getting in my own way. I didn't feel judged or reprimanded. I always leave every session with a warm and fuzzy feeling."


“Everything I've learnt with Tanuja has been instantly actionable and useful in my day to day life. Who knew having a morning routine and a night time routine could transform my energy levels so much."


"I needed some clarity and direction. Work was making stressed and exhausted. I needed to figure out a way to protect my mental health. After reading one of Tanuja's post about toxic work culture, I felt like she was talking to me. I reached out and I've had the most enlightened conversations I've had in years."


“It’s been 6 months since our first coaching call. My energy levels and focus have improved a lot. I don't get distracted as much as I used to. (work in progress) And the great news is my wife and I have started going on dates together and reconnecting with each other again. "


“I've started enjoying journaling and even look forward to it before going to bed!!!

I still remember how reluctant I was at the start."


"I felt lost and demotivated, after I was made redundant working for a big investment bank for almost 10 years. The way my redundancy was handled left me doubting my abilities and with low self confidence. Tanuja saved me from going down this negative spiral and I am so glad I bumped into her when I did."


“After only 3 coaching sessions with Tanuja, I met up with my sister.

She mentioned there was something different about me and how happier and calmer and in control I came across.

I hadn't spoken to her for some time and we don't always see eye to eye And I had not told her I was having life coaching.



I found Tanuja's direct and honest approach refreshing. She has a fantastic way of getting out the important themes and key questions to address quickly, allowing more opportunity to explore solutions in more detail. This was great in allowing me to challenge my own views and assumptions directly, without avoiding difficult or sensitive topics. I would strongly recommend Tanuja, she is an excellent coach."


“I chose Tanuja as my coach for 3 main reasons:

1) She has experienced burnout and knows exactly what I was going through.

2) The way she has turned her health and life around is remarkable. She has done things I can only dream of and I'm in full admiration.

3) My first conversation felt like talking to a wise friend, who made me feel important and understood. And I was right, I've felt truly supported throughout the program.


“Taking up a new role as a leader was daunting, until I started sharing with Tanuja and making sense of what was really going on.

I now feel like I know myself better and I am a lot more in control of my emotions and reactions. I now have this little voice in head, reminding me, 'breathe, take your time to respond, don't react.'

And I now apply the same with the kids and hubby. Seems to work."


As a Director, it was difficult to admit that I was struggling, there was so much going on for me. I felt embarrassed and didn't want my peer to judge me. I reached out to Tanuja for coaching sessions, and I am so glad I did."